Listen the interview on this link or clicking the picture of Ali in the frame below: Thank you very much, Grit!!

Interview with Grit Friedrich for the Germany radio station BR Klassik

Interview with Ali in Evrensel about Saîdê Goyî: “A voice from Roboskî opening up to the world”
“Saîdê Goyî’s crossing of paths with Ali Doğan Gönültaş led to the Jinê album. The album was released to music lovers on digital platforms in June. There were 6 songs …

The album Kiğı, nominated to the Preis der Deutschen Schallplattenkritik (German Record Critics’ Award)
The album Kiğı is included on the long list and it has therefore been nominated for the next Quarterly Critic’s Choice. The up to 32winners of the fourth Quarterly Critic’s Choice …

Chronicle of the concert at the Fira Mediterrània de Manresa
Jordi Martí, from Enderrock, has published an amazing chronicle of the concert by Ali at the Fira Mediterrània de Manresa, 6th of October 2023. This is a part of his …

Źródła radio show, by Magda Tejchma, plays the concert of 9th of July at the Rudolstadt-Festival at the Polskie Radio Dwójka
Click to listen to the radio show Źródła, by Magda Tejchma, where she plays the concert of 9th of July at the Rudolstadt-Festival at the Polskie Radio Dwójka: .

Links related to the workshop in Urkult
SehadDengbêj Şakiro – Kekê Xiyasedîn (Şahê Dengbêjan) – YouTubeŞeroyê Biro – Desmalamin – YouTubeŞEROYÊ BIRO – KELEŞO – YouTube Ezo – YouTube Doğan Gönültaş / Em …

Already available: interview and live performance for the Library of Congress
Associated to the music performance for the Library of Congress, Ali had an interview with Stephen Winick. It is in English and you can watch it here: And here you …

Interview and video performance for the Library of Congress of the USA
Presented as “Ali Doğan Gönültaş Quartet, 150 Years of Music From Kiğı, Turkey”, tomorrow Wednesday 12th of July 2023, at noon time in New York (18h CET), it will be …

Success and joy after the premiere of Ali in Spain
The last few days have been hectic and we haven’t been able to publish anything and the news has been piling up! Last week Ali was giving a workshop on …

Kıği at the radio in Argentina
The journalists and musician Nicolás Falcoff talks about Ali and the album in the radio show Revuelto de Radio, in his section “Viajero Clandestino”. Thank you so much for so …