Kiğı was released in May 2022 as a digital album. On 9th of June of 2023 it has been re-edited with a version in CD and an enhanced booklet. The …

The album Kiğı, now available in CD!

Kiğı and Ali at the Swiss radio show Republik Kalakuta, Radio Télévision Suisse
Jean-Marc Baehler has shared some insights by Ali in French in his radio show Republik Kalakuta, at the Radio Télévision Suisse, on the occasion of Ali’s concert on 8th of …

New work with the dengbêj from Botan Saîdê Goyî
Recent times have been hectic for Ali, with the release of the video tribute to Mehmet Yıldırım, who died in the earthquake in February, the live performance in Avcılar, İstanbul, with …

Dates in Germany
We know Ali has many followers in Germany, so take note of these dates and come to meet the band:

Premiere of the video Entercîme, live in Avcılar, İstanbul
Friday 26th of May, at 18h CET, 19h Turkish time, don’t miss the premiere of Entercîme, one of the audience’s favourite pieces from the Kiğı album, in a live recording …

Ali’s musical tribute to Dr. Mehmet Yıldırım, who died in Antakya during the earthquakes
The losses caused by the earthquakes that hit eastern Turkey and the border area of Syria last February could hardly ever be estimated. In cases like this, there is also …

Ali at Cihan Çelik’s TV show Koçgiri
Next Wednesday 10th of May, at 21:30 Turkish time, Ali will perform at Koçgiri, the TV show at CanTV directed and conducted by Cihan Çelik. You can watch the show …

New recording with Ali Eren Yüksel
A few days ago Ali met his colleague Ali Eren Yüksel and recorded a poem by Karacaoğlan, with a traditional melody from Anatolia. There, Ali Eren sings and plays tembur …

Several pieces from Kiğı, in Mislata Ràdio from Valencia, Spain
Vicent Xavier Pardo, director of Sac de Gemecs, the radio show in Mislata Ràdio, from Valencia, in Spain, has played some pieces from Kiğı on his show of April 11th. …

Festival in Kadiköy (Istanbul) in solidarity with the victims of the earthquake
On April 22th Ali will participate in a solidary festival in Kadiköy. It will take place on 21-22-23 April at Moda Sahnesi. The ticket income from the concerts will be …