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Keyeyî will be released tomorrow, Tuesday 30th of April 2024. It will be available on the digital platforms and some days later we will have the physical CDs in our hands!

In the meantime, we have sent the music to some key figures in music journalism and have started to receive some reviews. For example, Ángel Romero at WorldMusicCentral:

“Ali Doğan Gönültaş, an emerging figure in Kurdish music, has unveiled his splendid second solo album, Keyeyî. Born in Kiğı, Eastern Anatolia, to a family deeply rooted in Alevi tradition, Gönültaş inherits a musical heritage integral to the storytelling of his people, often shared around the tables of mothers. […] The exquisite album features Gönültaş’s conjuring voice, accompanied solely by the deeply mesmerizing tembur. […] Each emotive song expertly unveils layers of history, culture, and personal introspection, forming a rich and enthralling set of musical storytelling.”

Thank you, Ángel!


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