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Recent times have been hectic for Ali, with the release of the video tribute to Mehmet Yıldırım, who died in the earthquake in February, the live performance in Avcılar, İstanbul, with his band and, now, the release of the second work with the dengbêj (singing storyteller) Saîdê Goyî.  

Click to what those videos:

In 2022 Ali Doğan was signed by the son of the old master, a dengbêj of traditional Botan music, to arrange the pieces and be the producer of the EP Stranên Dilê Min (songs of my heart, in Kurdish) (available to listen here). Now in 2023, he was called again and they have just produced a new one: Jinê.

And do you know what
In Kurmancî language, Jinê means both life and woman.

You can already listen to the first single, Ehmedo Lawo. It is embeded it here below ⬇️. 

Recent times have been hectic for Ali, with the release of the video tribute to Mehmet Yıldırım, who died in the earthquake in February, the live performance in Avcılar, İstanbul, with his band and, now, the release of the second work with the dengbêj (singing storyteller) Saîdê Goyî.  

In 2022 Ali Doğan was signed by the son of the old master, a dengbêj of traditional Botan music, to arrange the pieces and be the producer of the EP Stranên Dilê Min (songs of my heart, in Kurdish) (available to listen here). Now in 2023, he was called again and they have just produced a new one: Jine.

And do you know what
In Kurmancî language, Jinê means both life and woman.

You can already listen to the first single, Ehmedo Lawo. It is embeded it here below ⬇️. 

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